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The Demon Who Is In love With Me… PART 45

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The Demon Who Is In love With Me… PART 45

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The Demon Who Is In love With Me… PART 45

You missed the part Fourty Four HERE!!!

Me: tell me how it started
Since the fish was peppery, we sat up and rested our backs against the wall. The air-conditioner was on, so he tossed me a blanket to cover my folded legs. I had earlier sent Timi a text not to come for me.
Jafar: how what started?
Me: how you joined a confraternity
Jafar: you really want me to bore you?
Me: I can’t ask you about how the thingy with Eli is going, at least I can ask you this one..
He looked at me, I looked back with an encouraging smile.
Jafar : I was approached by some guys while I was shooting pool in the permanent site, one guy and Eli, they said I should leave the snooker table for them. The friend I was with left me there, he didn’t want their problem. Eli and his friend asked me if I was mad and didn’t know I should do as I was told. I wasn’t just in the mood for rubbish that day, so once again I ignored them. After threatening me for a while, they asked me for my number, I declined. Eli gave me his and said I should call them whenever I wanted to, that I was the kind of person they were looking for. I forget about the encounter until one evening like that. There is this girl I had been seeing, a Jambito like myself. I didn’t know she was dating another guy that was a spirit-man. I was with the girl, a 200L student, when my door was forced open kicks. Five guys entered the room with sticks. They beat me black and blue that night. The girl kept apologizing to the head of the team, that I was just a guy she met at the campus. After they left with the girl, I checked myself into a hospital. Few weeks later, I tracked down the guy. I went to his house and hoped to inflict pain on him too but as I got in, I was surrounded by more guys. They beating I got the first time was nothing compared to this one..
I couldn’t help myself, I started laughing. It was the first time I laughed since Abayomi died.
Me: sorry for laughing..
Jafar laughed too, and filled my glass with more wine..
Me: please continue
Jafar: so I checked back into the hospital, but this time…I called Eli and explained everything to him. It didn’t take long before more than a dozen guys came into my ward. They were looking deadly, infront of them was Eli. He told them I would be taken care of, my bills and all. He also promised me those guys will be dealt with as soon as I got out.
Me: so when you were out of the hospital, you guys went for them?
Jafar: Oh, yes we did. And it was a cool day.
Me: you and Eli were close?
Jafar: not really, but for about 2months, he was my mentor, until he was booted out. The funny thing is that he joined the group that he had saved me from.
Me: wow…that was some story..
Jafar : you should sleep now..
Me: do you have any regrets being in a confraternity?
Jafar: truthfully?
Me : Yes
Jafar : sometimes, when people use their powers to oppress. But sometimes I am so glad. We hae perpetual cases were we help people get justice. For instance, a girl breaks u with her boyfriend, and she tells him to pay her all the money he owes her so she can write her exams, he doesn’t, he beats her instead. She reports to us, we appear at her boyfriend’s place, he pays the next week. Or a lecturer is using sex as a medium for a pass, we visit his wife…he adjusts. Plenty cases like that. But we have bad eggs among us…plenty unfortunately.
Me: do you have a girlfriend?
Jafar: is that part of it?
Me: just answer?
Jafar: no..though I have girls..
Me : why?
Jafar: because it’s not safe for them. The easiest way to get to a guy is through his loved ones..
Me: true..
Jafar: how is Timi..?
I suppressed a giggle…the wine was working…
Me: Ijebu-ode
Jafar: good…you might need to go be with him..
Me : why?
Jafar: Eli knows you are here…Eli is coming…
Me: then let’s leave together, find a new place..
Jafar: I am the leader of my group, I remain here..

He brought out a piece of rolled bunt
Me: Tell me how many people you have killed.
Jafar : ki na son ki ji?
Me: yay! I like the way you speak hausa..
I was tipsy already..
Me: but what does that mean?
Jafar: it means “do you want to hear”?
Me: yes
Jafar: Babu..
Me: yay…”babu” means no!..i know that one..
Jafar laughed..
Jafar : you are correct..
Me : so will you tell me?
Jafar: No, a gentleman does not say those things to a lady
Me: you get sweet mouth o…chai..
Jafar : it’s time for you to sleep
Me : what if I don’t want to go tomorrow, and I want to stay here instead?
Jafar: I wouldn’t allow you..
Me : you will carry me out?
Jafar: wouldn’t need to do that, you are a lady..
Me: hehehehe, I won’t be a lady tomorrow..
I prayed God gave me the strength to control myself whenever I was high, but he didn’t
Jafar: you are more fun than I thought..
Me: so you mean to say you thought I was boring?
Jafar: not that..i just thought you would be uptight like the average daddy’s girl.
Me : so you are calling me a daddy’s girl?…goodnight young man!
Jafar: goodnight dear, you can sleep on the bed, I will crash here..
Me: you better join me on the bed..
I realized I sounded like a mad woman, he was enjoying himself…he was laughing..
Me : rotten boy, I didn’t mean it like that jor, I meant you should not sleep on the floor because of me..
Jafar : I know, its fun watching you talk lie this. I think you have been sad for a while. The wine is releasing you..
He blew out a cloud of weed, the AC converted it to a mist..
Me: I want to smoke too..
Jafar : not tonight..
Me: what if we don’t see tomorrow?
He was quiet for a while, I realized I had said another stupid thing..
Me: I didn’t mean it like that. I would just shut up and sleep..
Jafar: okay dear..
Me: you wouldn’t beg me to talk?
Jafar: not this night ma..
I climbed his bed , went to the edge of the left hand side and covered myself with the blanket..
He sat on the right hand side for a while, before he lay down too. There was a gulf between us.
My phone rang, I wasn’t scared, even if it was Eli, I had Jafar by my side. It was Toun.
Toun: I am home, how are you?
Me: I am fine, I am so happy you home..
Toun: thank you dear, are you in Jafar’s house or Timi’s?
Me: I am with Jafar..
Toun: Tana, you don’t love Timi anymore, you are crazy about Jafar….dont waste time and let him know. Look at me, I didn’t know I had limited time with Abayomi, I was fooling around with Naetochukwu…
Me : babe, I think you should rest…how about we talk tomorrow?
Toun : I love you Tee..thanks for everything…greet Jafar for me..
Me: love you too dear..goodnight..
Jafar was quiet at the other side of the bed, he had extinguished the blunt.
Me: Toun send’s her regards..she is home
Jafar : Ok…
He kept quiet again..i wasn’t ready to sleep yet..
Me: Oya! Lets just say one more word to each other before we sleep…I will start…”goodnight Jafar, and thank you”
Jafar: sha baki na
I didn’t know what he meant again, I didn’t care, I just loved the way he spoke hausa…I rolled to his side of the bed, held his face between my palms and kissed him..we kissed….i lay on top of him , his hands were around my waist, I s—-d his lower lip gently..he s—-d my upper lip, till our tongues sizzled against each other..i just wanted to eat the guy alive…d–n!such a good kisser…I should be feeling guilty as regards Timi but I wasn’t…he must have realized because he raised me up gently…and I was once again on the left side of the bed..
Jafar: Goodnight Tee
Me: Goodnight Jafar….wait…what does “sha baki na” mean?
Jafar: I thought you knew..
Me: No, I don’t…
Jafar: It means “kiss me”…
I laughed as I rolled back to the right hand side where he was…that was where I slept..

I woke up in the middle of the night, everywhere smelled good. The entire room smelt like Jafar. I was lying with my back facing him. He didn’t emit any sound as he slept. I felt so powerful right now, the almighty Jafar was sleeping with both eyes closed next to me, I could kill him if I wanted.
Jafar: you should be sleeping..
I didn’t know the guy was awake too..
Me: you too..
Jafar : Are you cold…should I put off the AC?
Me: No o…but I am cold…hold me..
He giggled and kept quiet..
I took his hand placed it around me, it rested just beneath my boobz…
Me: oya let us sleep….i wanted to feel powerful again. He didn’t answer me though.
The next time I woke up, his arm was still around me, I didn’t move…I just wanted it to be like that. I didn’t think of Abayomi, Timi or Toun, I just wanted to remain in his arms. I was fantasizing till I slept off again.
I woke up to an empty room, I checked my phone, it was 5:30am, the bed seemed bigger…I pressed my nose on the sheets, I smiled..
I saw myself as a proud person, I don’t go after guys nor even give attention to those that come after me..but with Jafar, I didn’t care if he didn’t want me, or if last night’s kiss was just a kiss…I will savor it. i would hold on to it. I noticed a text message on my phone…it was from Jafar…it read…” There is a loaf of bread in the kitchen, eggs in the fridge, oil in the cupboard…search for the rest…will come for you by 4pm, so you can go stay with Timi…Ago aint safe for you”..
Just like that my day got spoilt. So I was really going to leave? I called Timi..
Timi: baby..
Me: Timi, I would be coming to Ijebu-Ode by 5…please pick me up at the Mr Biggs, close to Gtbank.
Timi: I am happy..finally I can be with you..
Me: yeah..
Timi: you don’t sound happy, coming to see me…wait….have you slept with Jafar?
Me: no..
Timi: Thank God…I love you baby…
Me: see you soon ..
I made breakfast, bread and eggs with coffee. I packed my bags like a spoilt brat resuming boarding school…thoughts of Abayomi was forcing itself in my brain…I called Toun..
Toun: Tana…
Me: Toun, how are you?
Toun: Abayomi’s mother just called me, such a sweet woman…we cried together…
Me: it must be killing her…
Toun: she wants me to be around for his burial.
Me: will you?
Toun: I would kill anybody that stops me..
Me: I wish I could come..
Toun: are you safe there?
Me: I would be moving to Ijebu-Ode to stay with Timi..Jafar insisted.
Toun: he wants you to go?
Me: apparently..
Toun: I am sure he is gutted about it..
Me: he doesn’t show it, look the guy at most just likes me…I am contented though..
Toun: anyways, wear black of Friday…it’s the day he will be buried…
Me: thank you Toun, your strength inspires me….
Toun: strength?…i am dying inside…
Me: i am sorry,,
Toun: bye dear..
I decided to just sleep till 4pm, unfortunately..Acho chose that time to call…
Me: Acho..
Acho : Tana, how are you…how are you coping?
Me: I am good…sorry for the other time….the way the guys hit you…
Acho: no jor…that time has passed..i just want you to know if you need me…I will be here…I still love you..
Me: thank you…
Acho: lets hang out this…
I hung up…
I was awoken by soft taps, it was Jafar…he was smiling at me like I was his favorite daughter…
Me: oh, you are back..
Jafar: yes…
Me: is it 4pm yet?
Jafar: it is 5pm…
Me: d–n!..Timi would be waiting for me…
Jafar: lets go….have you packed your bags?
Me: since na…
I didn’t want him to know I was crying inside…
Jafar: I will miss you…
Me: blablabla…
He helped me with some of my bags, I carried the rest…I was sad.



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There is love in sharing

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