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Story: Adventures Of A Stingy S£x Addicts… Episode 5

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Adventures Of A Stingy S£x Addicts… Episode 5

“no be only yankee choco, na yankee Joystick you go suck ”. Neyo replied and hung up. I forgot that mofo in gv and opened my phone to reply the Bunmi S£x chatting me. “see, im broke now, i cant foot your bills to come or even take good care of you when u get here” i typed. The message delivered but was not read. While still standing, something flashed into my memory and i rushed into my room immediately. Guys, my necklace was gone, i, sure i kept it on my tv hanger. I couldnt find it. I started upturning my room, maybe i forgot where i kept it. My phone rang while i was still seaching my room… Maybe i was too busy to notice the sound. I got devastated, ‘could she have stole my necklace? I took my phone to call her and comfirm that….. What i saw shocked me. ” i told you, you cant eat your cake and have it, i took your chain in exchange for my time with you, idiiot” No need to search any further. Should i cry? I was a bastard, i could have just give her the money she requested, i wouldnt have lost my 20k worth necklace. I tried thinking on how to get back at her, but i was to devasted to get a conclusion. I went out after taking my bath, i went straight to a local bar close to my house and ordered some green bottles. Next update.. ” do you dont know i fuckked a mayor’s daughter at Minnesotta? see this was how it went down” ” am i speaking with Mr Abiodun?, the owner of this phone got involved in an accident at Ilorin, she kept mentioning your name, so we had to call you”. ” Accident?, how is she doing please,…..” the call ended before i could finish what i was saying. That was Bunmi’s phone, did they say she had an accident? The story is just starting…


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