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Banky W tackles FG over ban of Twitter Saga

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Banky W tackles FG over ban of Twitter

Banky W tackles FG on Twitter ban Saga

The Singer and politician has described as Federal government’s decision “clueless” to suspend Twitter operations in the country.

Banky said the government cannot stop kidnapping and other vices plaguing the country but they can come out to ban Twitter. He proposed that since the retirement age in Nigeria is 65, Nigerians should form the habit of not voting into office, politicians who are above 65.

Read Banky’s tweets below;

”Nigerian Government bans Twitter, and announce the ban ON Twitter. You can’t make this up. Clueless.

They can’t stop kidnapping, armed robbery and terrorism… the country is as unsafe as ever… yet they can seize passports and block bank accounts of peaceful protesters. They ban cryptocurrency. They ban Twitter. Completely out of touch with the plight of young people.

The retirement age in Nigeria is 65. What if we decide not to vote for anyone over the age of 65? Regardless of party. If you’ll be over 65 at the time of elections, we won’t vote for you. It’ll at least eliminate an entire group that has had enough opportunities to fix this mess.

We did #NotTooYoungToRun. Can we consider doing #NowToOldToRule? If you’re over 65, you’ve had your chance to help fix this mess. Isn’t it time for that entire generation to rest? The Nigerian Government should not be a retirement home. It’s worth a thought. It’s worth a shot.

I know being young does not guarantee good leadership. But at least a younger crop of candidates reduces the possibility of us being stuck with leaders who are completely out of touch with young people. We can then focus on Competence, Character & Credibility. #NowTooOldToRule”

Banky W tackles FG over ban of Twitter
Banky W tackles FG over ban of Twitter

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